Today, Protomartyr share a video for their song "Dope Cloud" (from their critically acclaimed album The Agent Intellect), which was directed by self-proclaimed Protomartyr fan Lance Bangs. Bangs, known for directing music videos for the likes of R.E.M., Pavement, Sonic Youth, Nirvana, and Arcade Fire, was simply drawn to the song and made the video on his own time and submitted it to the band. The video shows the demise of one of the last phone booths in the country. Watch it here or by clicking the image above.
Meanwhile, Protomartyr continues their massive tour, which has them basically playing everywhere humanly possible. New Canadian, east coast, and European dates have been added. Also, a few recent items worth checking out that you might have missed recently are a large profile on the band on Noisey and Joe Casey's appearance on The New York Times' Popcast with critic Ben Ratliff.